Saturday, 12 June 2010

The Book Depository

I have run out of things to read so I have been back at the UK online book store, The Book Depository and have ordered a few books:

  • River Cottage Meat Cookbook - I first heard of this book through and have been meaning to buy it.  However, I have been put off by the NZ price - $90.00+.  Price from BD: around $60.00.
  • The Collapse of Complex Societies - NZ $95.99.   $72.00 from BD.
  • The State of Art by Iain M Banks.  A collection of short stories.  The title is a novella based in the Culture but set in 1977 - NZ $29.99.  $12.60 from BD
  • The Real Frank Zappa Book by Frank Zappa.  NZ $32.95.  $19.88 from BD.
 Total cost if I had bought these in New Zealand:  $248.93
 Cost through  The Book Depository: $161.22  andd that includes the freight!

I think I have just given up on buying books from NZ book stores