Saturday, 12 June 2010

The Book Depository

I have run out of things to read so I have been back at the UK online book store, The Book Depository and have ordered a few books:

  • River Cottage Meat Cookbook - I first heard of this book through and have been meaning to buy it.  However, I have been put off by the NZ price - $90.00+.  Price from BD: around $60.00.
  • The Collapse of Complex Societies - NZ $95.99.   $72.00 from BD.
  • The State of Art by Iain M Banks.  A collection of short stories.  The title is a novella based in the Culture but set in 1977 - NZ $29.99.  $12.60 from BD
  • The Real Frank Zappa Book by Frank Zappa.  NZ $32.95.  $19.88 from BD.
 Total cost if I had bought these in New Zealand:  $248.93
 Cost through  The Book Depository: $161.22  andd that includes the freight!

I think I have just given up on buying books from NZ book stores

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Dolphins at Pahia, New Zealand

The sound is provided by Tom Waits. If it's missing, then Youtube have stripped it. For some reason my videos tend to have this done whereas others seem to get away with it.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

The Price of Books II

I ordered a Bill Bryson book from  on Friday 28th of May.  The book arrived at my office on Thurday 3rd of June.  This is an excellent service.

The cost of the book was 13.88 British pounds which worked out to be $29.67 NZ, substantially less than I can buy it in New Zealand.  This included the cost of shipping to New Zealand. To do get a book delivered this fast through Amazon would have cost an additional $30-40.00.

Prices through NZ websites:

  • Fishpond - shipped from the UK: $49.95
  • Whitcoulls - FREE Delivery: $59.95
I think I'll be making more orders through the Book Depository website.