Wednesday, 2 July 2008

I Have a Website

Yes, I have a website. I have had it for many years. There is a link to over at the right of this page. I think I first created it back in 1994 or 1995 and kept it running for a few years, losing interest in it in 1999 which was the last time I updated it. It's been alive all this time justing sitting on the web, ticking over, another abandoned and seriously ugly site.

About 3 months ago I decided to update the site. A new look and some new content. Yesterday I started work. This image is the new look of my home page. I'm quite pleased with it so far.

I have started work on the rest of the site but having done the home page I find I'm a little bored with it. Rewriting and reformatting content isn't the most exciting job in the world.

I also have to write a small perl program to process a couple of hundred of html files, stripping out the current formatting and rewriting the result into whatever it is I decide I want.

I'm optimistic that it isn't going to take me another 9 years before the result is up!